I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
Acts 26:16-18
Pastor Shawn M. McBride is an ordained minister of the Gospel and is impacting today’s American youth culture. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical studies and a Master’s degree in marriage & family counseling. He is a dynamic communicator who has traveled to 34 states and thousands of cities speaking to hundreds of thousands of students, training adult youth leaders and encouraging parents. His passion for God, relevant approach, sincere love for people, genuine humor and creative style in presenting the WORD of God, is one you will not soon forget. His ability to teach solid biblical principles is truly a gift from God. Shawn McBride is considered by many Christian leaders as one of the top five youth communicators in the United States of America and has led thousands of young people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
He is the founder & president of Truth for Youth America, a non-profit Christian based organization devoted to evangelizing & educating American young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the course of two decades, he has faithfully served the Body of Christ a local church senior pastor, college & seminary professor, family counselor, multi-school chaplain, youth minister, motivational speaker, & evangelist.
He is the published author of 12 books entitled Beware of Bad Company, Know Your Worth, How To Become A Successful Student, The Power of Words, The Five Needs of Every Teenager, Handling Life's Struggles, Mindset Reset, Shawn McBrides 52 Object Lessons for Preachers & Teachers, 5 Steps To Achieving Your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals, 40 Days With Jesus, Ladies First and Mannerisms, All are available for purchase @ Amazon.com
Currently, he and his family make their home in the suburbs of Washington, DC.