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Here's What People Are Saying About Us...



Shawn, Thanks so much for a great weekend of ministry. Our students were very blessed by your teaching. The greatest thing to be said for it is the take-home applications, which were many. Thank you for thoughtfully weaving our theme of “encounter” into your messages. It went beautifully, and I was very encouraged as a pastor to have the vision for the retreat turn out so well.

Mike Maslin Pastor of Student Ministries- Forcey Bible Church


Pastor Shawn, …thank you so much for helping do a 180 turn this weekend @Camp Orchard Hill. I am so grateful that God put you there…please pray that in this week, a new man with a new life and a new savior that I PROVE to all those around me that I am a Christian….the real thing. Also that I do not fall back into my sin… I had sexual lust very bad. Pastor, with everything I am, I gave everything to God this weekend. I thank you for guiding me in that direction. God bless you.


"Pastor Shawn, I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me have the courage to lay down my life for God! It was the best feeling in the world to be standing in front of everyone...I know now that I don't need guys or alcohol in order to be happy!"


Shawn, Thank you so much for a tremendous week. We have received RAVING reviews about you from all of our teen campers. We so appreciated your engaging style. Our campers have never enjoyed evening chapel as much as they have this week listening to you speak. Thank you for making the Gospel & Scriptural truths accessible & easy to understand for our teens. What a blessing you have been to our summer ministry!! God has certainly given you a gift a very unique ability to connect with teens, staff and even visitors. Thank you for your honest preaching, practical life applications & sense of humor. 

-The Pine Brook Camp Leadership Team, Shutesbury, Massachusetts



You are one of the Most Powerful Speakers I have ever heard ( and I will be 50 in Aug) You are blessed to be a speaker of Gods word!!  Our teenagers LOVE it when you come to Cornerstone!!

Thank you for your words this past weekend. Today I have been saved by the Lord and I’m so happy to have him in my life.


Hey Pastor Shawn, I attended Camp Orchard Hill this weekend and everything you said really got to me.  I have shut out the Lord for so long and this couldn’t have came at a better time.  My life has been tough recently.  Now I know that I am forgiven for everything.  I also have been surrounding myself with bad company and school tomorrow will definitely be different.  Thank you so much. You definitely have changed my life.

Thanks for speaking this weekend Shawn. It was truly an amazing experience. The weight that has been lifted off my shoulders is like no other….


Hi shawn my weekend at winter blast was awesome and being able to hang out with you and getting closer to God was fun.  You have encouraged me so much to get closer to God and start to pray more and read the bible more.  Now im trying to turn my fire bigger and help other people and friends to get there fires bigger and get closer to God.  Im so happy that I came to camp orchard hill for my first time.  I feel now that im starting to grow closer to God.  Thank you so much Shawn for helping me grow closer to God.  Thank you!


Pastor Shawn McBride came to Metrolina Christian Academy and connected, revitalized, and motivated us to raise our spiritual temperature! We have two regrets though, that we didn't book him sooner and that we only had him come for two days!  If you have been praying for revival on your campus, Pastor Shawn is a theologically solid speaker with great wit and humor woven into well-delivered messages!  He is certainly passionate about a strong relationship with God and concerned about every students' walk with our Savior!  He is a joy to work with and to see building those all-important relationships with our teenagers! When I asked the students how they liked him, several words kept coming up;passionate, real, relevant, and the REAL DEAL! -Carol Walton Director of Admissions, Metrolina Christian Academy-Indian Trial, NC


Hey Shawn I want to thank you for this weekend.  I feel like your lessons couldn’t have come at a better time.  Before I came this week, I felt God had forgotten or just abandoned me. I had been praying and asking for his help but it was pretty much useless.  Then, in Friday, you told us about how it’s basically the opposite the way around and how God doesn’t forget about us.  I then thought about how little time I had given God lately.  Thank you for opening my eyes.  It was a huge help.


Pastor Shawn thank you for praying for me and my brother….thank you for showing me the way to God…I even heard god calling me on Saturday when we were there…He was calling me…


If any one has questions on how to live their life or how to be a better person ask this man Shawn Maurice McBride he has influenced me so much to be a better person and I'm just so thankful/blessed/humbled to have gotten to know him I
love him so much as a father figure/ brother in Christ, So thank you Shawn!


It was a blessing to meet you and share sometime together this weekend. I will be praying for you as you travel and continue to bring The Truth and Good News of Jesus Christ!!! Ephesians 6:14


Pastor Shawn u spoke at one of my winter retreats from church and I just wanted to tell u I really appreciated what u said about sexual abuse….this year at my retreat I came out and told my pastor and my close friend something that had happened to me when I was younger and that was I was sexually abused and that was the first time I told anyone and right now I'm on that journey of forgiveness but I'm still finding it soo hard to forgive him for what he did and I also feel so guilty for not telling my parents and thinking its all my fault but I'm talking to a counselor about it and I'm really trying to learn to forgive him and your message reminded me it’s not easy to forgive but we still need to try so I just wanted to thank you.


Dear Pastor McBride, U are awesome!!! And I just want to say u are a BLESSING to me!!! Thank u sooooo much for coming Antioch in North Carolina! I hope God blesses you in a mighty way….


This weekend at camp orchard hill you opened my eyes to the important things in life.  I realized God had not abandoned me but that I had abandoned him. I struggled with my parents divorce and you helped me realize I can find comfort with God.  Thank you so much.


Shawn, thanks so much for sharing your heart at Camp Orchard Hill...Thank you for letting God speak through you.  I pray that your ministry continues to change young people's hearts for Jesus Christ.  There were three of our students who gave their lives to Christ yesterday morning.  Two of them were a complete shock to us leaders.  We were blown away because we all thought that these two were already saved.  WOW!  We are all rejoicing. The other one has been coming often to youth group, but we weren't sure.  Keep preaching, my brother!


Pastor Shawn,  I am from Lancaster pa and was at winterblast. I've been a youth leader for a year now and really love doing it! Being at camp and listening to your heart and passion was a experience that will remain with me for a long time! I learned a TON from you and want to thank you for working so hard at what you do! I know you made a impact on our youth, my self included!


Hi Shawn! I was at camp this past weekend. I was apart of the Salem Bible church in Macungie, PA and today I was one of the people who came to the front to accept Christ today. I want to thank you so much for today and giving me a chance to do that and for this whole weekend. Your sermons really spoke to me and it feels great to fully accept God and have him be apart of my life from now until I am in heaven with him. Thank you so much and god bless you


I love this guy! Like and comment. Think about it he just saved 21 people from going to hell for eternity and thats just today! He also made hundreds of Christians rethink their lives give this man a round of applause!


Hey I remember you I spoke at Hume a few years back and my faith is still here and i am proud to say i am pursuing God on a daily basis. I head to college in 17 days. Any awesome studies I could do or you recommend to keep me grounded keep my eyes straight to run the race.


Shawn, it was awesome to serve with you again this past weekend. The kids rated you a 4.8 out of 5 on the evaluations and wrote a bunch of comments about how the message God gave to you impacted them deeply!

Thank you so much I am finally saved you change my life!


Hey pastor mcbride I wanted to say thank you for giving me a reality check about my faith, since the retreat I have limited the gaming hours and started up reading my bible everyday for at least 15 minutes I hope by next year I will be up to at least an hour of reading the bible everyday.


I was at Winter Blast and I really liked you. You made a really good impact on me. Ever since Winter Blast Ive had a whole new insight on God. I just wanted to say thank you!!


I am one of the leaders for SBC Youth Group. Three of our students went forward on Sunday morning to receive Christ. One of these is a young lady who goes to our Christian School, and has for many years. I have been praying for her for so long to accept Christ. Thank you for your messages this weekend. All of our kids who came were moved to change. Your messages didn't water anything down. It really hit right at the heart of the areas they struggle. Thank you for allowing God to use you in a mighty way.


Your way of preaching is so fierce, best way of putting it would be a hulk-way of preaching. THANKS FOR THIS WEEK!


Thank you for allowing God to speak through you this week at MCA...It was such a blessing to see all the life change! I'll never forget it!!


Pastor Shawn, I'm not sure if you know my really impacted him. We have been having such a tough time with him especially in regards to rudeness/disrespect. I mean I was at the point that I was researching military schools. But last night when he got in the car he gave me a hug. An actual hug. A real hug. It brings tears to my eyes even now. Thank you so much. He just kept saying how "deep" your message was. He is really thinking. God has so anointed you for such a time as this and I am so grateful to Him you were brought to us....

You have inspired me some much this week that I can't even put it in words.


Pastor, I just wanted to say, before i came to church camp last week, i wasnt a really good person. The first night, you said that u had to surrender to God so he could redesign me. I was really skeptical but i did it anyway. 3 days later, I accepted christ and he completely changed everything about me and people are noticing it just like you said they would. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to Cedar Hill, Texas to preach to all of us. I would still be walking alone and in pain if it hadnt have been for your preaching!

Hey Pastor Shawn!  I just got home from the church camp you preached at in Texas. I wanted to share with you what your messages did in the life of my friend, (G). (G) and I have been very good friends since the 8th grade (we will be seniors in the fall) and he has never been into Jesus. I did my best to show him the love of God and he even came to church with me several times but never opened himself up to it. For my birthday present, I asked him to go to camp with me and he did even though three weeks before we left he declared himself an atheist to our youth pastor...After the first night he told me he wanted God, and on the second night he was one of the 33 who went forward for salvation.I had been praying for that night for almost four years! Thank you for helping me bring in the one sheep from the cold. I have a new brother in Christ, a friend for eternity and I wanted to encourage you to continue boldly declaring the truth of what God says in his word.


This week I gave up cutting and resurendered my life


Shawn you are by far the best speaker i have ever had the opportunity to hear, and because of your lesson on wedsday i recommitted my faith in christ, so pleeeeeeaaaaassssseee come back during wintercamp and next flight three sixty!!!!!!!


Thanks so much for coming & speaking! Loved both sermons & learned so much! Hope you get to visit Liberty University! Will be praying for you & your ministry! Already looking forward to hearing you preach again!! God Bless !!!!


Thanks for the lessons you gave us! It was all the stuff I was needing to get closer to the lord!


Last night made me rethink my whole @ShawnMcbride74was the truth!


Pastor Shawn, I'm a parent of an eighth grade girl, and I appreciated your sermons...She is now also following one of your facebook pages. Thank you for NOT sugar-coating God's Word. We need more truth spoken to our youth (and ourselves). Thank you for your passionate work for God's Kingdom.


Thank you for allowing God to speak through you this week at MCA...It was such a blessing to see all the life change! I'll never forget it!!


Best speaker we've had at Hume. Ever.


Hey Pastor, just got home from work to hear you gave another outstanding message to those who came out tonight to Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Washington, DC....I have to tell you that you have touched my family's heart in a major way with the word of God that comes through your heart & soul. I just to say thank you, thank you for all you do and all you say (especially on Face Book). It may be as simple as a post but it changes people so much. The messages usually bring me to tears because it hits home every time I hear you speak, as well brings me to reality on what I need to work on or possibly strive more to be or do.. May God continue to bless you all in everything you do. Thanks again!


I am definitely starting to delete all the evils out my life good word last night pastor.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU! At flight 360 when you made that comparison to the Pimp My Ride show to how God was going to change my life, I think I had finally understood what he has been trying to tell me to let go of. That very first night I surrendered my "keys" and God started stripping me down! On Thursday I felt COMPLETELY stripped down and I remember I cried a lot that night. But now I see what he is actually doing in my life! He's pimping my life! Haha! I wake up everyday grateful that god has given it to me. I resist temptation feeling strong and loved. I have eliminated the people who have been my weights. There are still those things that I'm still working through but I know in the end God will get me through it.So basically what I'm saying is if you hadn't had been our speaker at flight 360 I still probably would be overcome with lust, easily angered, cocky, greedy, all of that stuff. You changed my life man! Can't ever forget you. Your an inspiration! Thank you for helping me!


Pastor Shawn.... I've been meaning to thank you for leading me to Jesus 6/24/12...


I wanted to take out the time to let you know how enriched and informative the Parenting Today's Teen sessions are with Pastor McBride...It is refreshing in how he brings us parents up to date with our youth culture today, without compromising the Word of God.  We left with open eyes and heart to God’s expectations for our children we are entrusted to raise...He is prophetic and evangelical in his delivery. -Parents of Teenagers


Pastor Shawn , I thank you soo much for being at flight 360!! Your words encouraged me so much. My walk with Christ has been a hard one, the devil has really been trying too get to me. But the only thing I can say is get the behind me Satan and keep standing strong knowing the bold Christian I am. I just thank you again for your powerful words..


You brought some hard truths and the power and words of God to our church this weekend! God and I reconnected in a way I desperately needed! I am excited about being a prayer warrior for your amazing ministry Truth For Youth America! God bless and keep on doing amazing works for the good Lord! Love and blessings to you and your family and ministry!


Pastor Shawn, I met you on the high school retreat back when I was a sophmore in high school. I just wanted to thank you for preaching the word so that teens can understand...back when I was a sophmore, sitting and listening to your sermon for the day, I was kinda just there. I didn't think that the message applied to me. However, now that I am a freshman in college and have been away from home, certain things have made sense and really kept me grounded in my faith during the whole experience. I just really wanted to thank you for listening to God and dedicating your life to preaching the word. I live in an area where so many adults let the youth fall by the wayside in not only academics, but in spriritual teaching. They are failing us! There are certain things that you can read in the bible, hear it from your parents, or listen to your pastor and understand. But, for some things, they have to be broken down and made applicable to the modern day experience.Thank you! There are not many people who do what you do anymore:) Have a blessed, safe and happy holidays. God Bless.


Thank you for teaching me things about God, instead of telling me things about God.


Shawn thank you so much for coming all the way to little old Paradise, California. You did an amazing job this weekend and i have to say you truly changed my life


Shawn, Job well done, ( dare to be different) great message.. I help with the youth at BETHEL LIFE WORSHIP CENTER. Our kids an us adults loved your messages,and are discussing them.. The Lord has given you a great gift, keep up the the Lords work.. Blessings from all of us in Greenville, Pa.


I go to metrolina and I just wanted to tell you that you have impacted my life so much as you have been here to teach us.... Thank you for speaking to our school.... I believe that you really have a gift from God to speak to kids our age! Thanks 


Thank you soo much for speaking this weekend it truly was a blast! I always love listening to your message haha funny, and yet exactly what a teenager needs to hear. May god bless you and your family!


 As a fellow youth pastor, I want to thank you for all that you did at the High School Hume Lake event back in February.  The kids from our church have been going up there every winter for years and they all agree that you were by far the most powerful and effective speaker that they’ve heard.  Though I got really sick on Saturday night and was sort of out of it during the last half of the weekend, I did catch your last talk when you were sharing your personal story, and in that you shared a few slides to help the kids to take the next steps in their faith walk with Christ….Thank you again for your passion and commitment to God’s young people.


You sir, are a fantastic speaker I have ever heard. Thank you so much for speaking at metrolina!


Last week at love riot you preached amazing every night you opened my eyes to a lot and I learned so much so I just wanted to say thanks :)


I just want to thank you again for reminding me how great our Lord is! and not to give up on Him, life, my marriage, and to just be persistent!! Bombard my Father with my prayers thoughts and love so thank you for speaking to me and helping me to not give up on my faith and my Father!!!! you are truly a blessing!!

Thank you Pastor Shawn McBride for coming to visit us at Emmanuel Christian School!  Thank you for your convicting and entertaining messages that challenged all of us to reflect on our relationship with the Lord.  Your strong visuals, analogies, and sense of humor had all of the students absorbing every word and seriously thinking about their own faith.  Many of our students commented how they were able to relate to your experiences and powerful style of preaching.  I greatly recommend Pastor McBride for any ministry event if you want to be challenged to  mature in your faith! -Mr. Terry Kim-Chapel Coordinator Emmanuel Christian School Manassas, VA


Shawn McBride is a phenomenal man of God who has an insightful understanding of today's youth culture. He delivered powerful messages from God's word onstage and spent time with the students offstage. FBC Covington looks forward to many years working with Shawn McBride.  -Shane Booker, Minister to Students FBC Covington


Shawn McBride is one of the most Biblical youth speakers I have heard in years !! It is refreshing to hear the Word preached in such an exciting way while remaining theologically sound.  Shawn is a man who loves the Lord and students! He relates well to all ages. We had tears running down the cheeks of our deacons when preached on Sunday morning in big church. Shawn is hilarious when he wants to be and serious when he needs to be. He is very wise and spiritually mature. We had several of our Youth and adults to get saved or recommitted to the Lord when Shawn came to our Crosstraining weekend.  Everyone,young and old, at my church has told me how much they loved Shawn.  I would not hesitate to recommend Shawn to any youth ministry, camp, Church, or retreat.  He will show and tell God's grace and truth.  -Matt Neyman, Student Pastor @ 1st Baptist Church - West Memphis, Arkansas


Pastor McBride has served as a motivational speaker for A+ Arts Academy, charter school, for the past four years.  He always provides our students with an atmosphere you would find at the last few seconds of a championship basketball or football game.  He has the ability to reach, inspire, encourage and make our students believe in themselves and know they have the ability to achieve and the right to dream what some might think is the "impossible dream".  Pastor McBride ignites, sparks and feeds the flame that lies dormant in many of our youth. -Carolyn Berkley-Superintendient A+ Arts Academy Columbus, OH


We invited Pastor Shawn McBride to speak at our 27th annual International Day celebration at National Wesleyan Church and simply put, he “raised the roof”. .. I mean he energized our young people in a way we had never seen before! From beginning to end his message on LIFE provided our young, and I dare say not so young people, with practical and positive measures towards living the abundant life in Christ. After almost an hour of listening to him we all wanted more! His knowledge of what interests youth, and his very current themes, weave a fabric of authenticity with this generation. Yet his doctrine and interpretation of the Word is untainted and spot on. We wholeheartedly enjoyed his ministry to us and would love to have him back again!! -God bless Clydette and Committee Members


Pastor Shawn McBride’s awesome, relevant and dynamic teaching of the word kept all of our youth on the edge of their seats wondering “what’s next!”     It’s an honor and a privilege to have connected with a man of God who has the heart of God for the youth of this generation.  We could not have chosen a better person to kick off our “Choose Life. Choose Christ”  2012 Youth Conference.If you haven’t heard Pastor Shawn yet, you are really missing out!  Invite him ASAP and watch God use him to set a fire that will ignite a passion in the hearts of your youth! -Elder Rickey E. Macklin – Youth Minister of Jericho City of Praise Church

Landover, MD


Shawn just finished speaking eight times in five days for our High School Summer Camp in Colorado. Our group loved him!  He brought God’s word to us in a passionate and creative way.  Many teens committed their life to Christ, and many more made some adjustments in their life that I’m thankful for. We laughed, we cried, we prayed, and we thanked God for our new friend Shawn.  I highly recommend him to come and speak at your event – whether it is just for a weekend or for a week! -Don Erehart-Pastor of Student Ministries, First Evangelical Free Church-Manchester, MO


I just wanted to tell you again what a great job you did. That was my 10th camp at Hume Lake and you are the best speaker I have ever sat under up there, dead hit my kids and me right where I needed to be hit and you did it in a way that was true to scripture yet relevant to this culture. Thank you so much for being a willing servant and instrument for God.

Pastor Shawn Varner Paso Robles-CA


It has been almost two weeks? since the Winter Retreat and my guys and I are still talking about things you said. I just wanted to thank you for the content you provided and the way you layed it out... the way you said it hit home to all of them...I went on the retreat as a leader but because of you I walked away blessed and re energized. Thank You for shepherding the youth and the leaders. -"A Typical White Guy" Litiz, Pennsylvania


I find that at times it can be challenging to find speakers and preachers for today's youth Pastor Shawn McBride is definitely a connection God is using to reach this generation. The creative way that God has anointed him to disciple and reach today's youth is so awesome his methods of reaching the youth are so powerful! If you are looking for someone that will reach your students and youth Pastor Shawn McBride is chosen in this day! -Minister Koran Maddox Capital Heights, MD


We want to thank Pastor Shawn for the fantastic job he did speaking at Youth Stock this year. He has a tremendous gift in connecting with young people, and he clearly has a heart for teens. He has the ability to mix a wonderful brand of humor and illustrations with the truths of the Word of God. I would highly recommend him!- Pastor Dave Hattenfield, Senior Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church-Cumberland, MD


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