ABstinence Seminar
One Day Abstinence Seminar for Teens
WHAT: FREE One Day Abstinence Seminar for Teens
WHEN: July 24 (Middle School)
July 26 (High School)
WHERE: East Bowie Community Center
15222 Old Chapel Road Bowie MD 20720
WHY: The goal of the program is to reduce the rate of out of wedlock teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases among teens.

Making a Difference – an 8-week abstinence program sponsored by State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
The program is designed to supplement existing programming by providing relevant education and skills-building related to abstinence and sexual health. The program utilizes the nationally recognized Making a Difference! curriculum, which includes up to eight (8) hours of training through oral presentations, video presentation, interactive activities and role playing, and group discussions. This curriculum was selected by the state as appropriate for ages 10-19 and focuses on the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by teaching youth decision-making skills to delay initiation of sexual activity and engage in healthy relationships. Program staff is experienced in facilitating abstinence education programs for the targeted teenage population. They possess a clear knowledge of the definition of abstinence and are able to successfully lead discussions that address all the various aspect of such programming.
Goal: To reduce the rate of out-of-wedlock teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among African American and Latino youth in southern Prince George’s County, Maryland through the provision of medically accurate, culturally responsive abstinence education. It builds on the goal of the Make a Difference curriculum to empower young adolescents to change their behavior in substantive ways, thereby reducing their risk of HIV and other STIs and their risk for pregnancy.
Long-term Program Objectives: Similarly, these objectives build directly upon the objectives of the curriculum model, with an added emphasis on overall self-efficacy skills that will promote educational and developmental success. The specific objectives related to sexual activity include:
Increase participant knowledge about how to prevent HIV, STIs and pregnancy;
Develop positive attitudes/beliefs about abstinence;
Increase participants’ confidence in their ability to achieve and maintain abstinence;
Increase participant problem-solving and negotiation skills;
Increase participant knowledge of the health and long-term risks of unprotected sex;
Increase participants’ ability to view self within the context of community; and
Decrease participant STD/HIV risk-associated sexual behavior. COMMUNITY BUILD
Abstinence Education Program Parental Consent Form
The State of Maryland's approved curriculum is Making a Difference! Information regarding this curriculum can be found at http://www.etr.org/ebi/programs/making-a-difference/. For further questions concerning program and/or the evaluation contact: CommunityBuilders, LTD,at301-203- 0754or communitybuildersmd@verizon.net